Preparation Time: 45 Minutes
Serves: 4
Preheat oven to 400°
8 Rabbit Legs
5 Cloves of Garlic
2 large sprigs of fresh Rosemary
8 oz. Dry Red Wine
I cup of pitted Black Olives
18 oz. Prepared Veal Stock
5 Tbls. Olive Oil
Instant Polenta
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Polenta: Polenta should be cooked in advance following instructions on package.
Pour hot polenta mixture into glass pan, smoothing to a thickness of 1." Refrigerate
for at least 5 hours or up to one day. When mixture is firm, cut into circles approximately
4" in diameter. Grill polenta circles over an open flame or fry in skillet lightly
coated with olive oil. Set aside. Rabbit and Sauce: In oven-proof skillet, saute
both sides of rabbit legs until golden brown. Add whole garlic cloves, finely chopped
rosemary, salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring
constantly. Add red wine and cook until wine has evaporated. Add whole, pitted olives
and cook for I to 2 minutes. Add veal stock to mixture and immediately transfer
to oven. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, checking frequently until rabbit legs are thoroughly
cooked, but not dry. Remove rabbit legs from sauce and arrange on serving platter
with polenta circles. Garnish with black olives. Reduce sauce over hot flame and
pour over legs. Serve immediately.